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5 Psychology Books To Understand Human Behaviour



5 Psychology Books To Understand Human Behaviour

Psychology is one field that has a lot of different propositions. However, at the same time, the crux of the study is that it is focused on understanding how human behavior is motivated. Not only that, it is also important to understand which are the most prominent motivating factors in deciding the nature of human behavior. 

There are a lot of books on human psychology and behaviour and most of these are quite well indicative as well. You will see that each of the proponents has their own school of thought and based on that the proposition in each of the books changes as well. 

Top 5 Books to Read Today

When it comes to understanding the human mind and behavior, it is imperative to make sure that you have access to some good books. Although there are tons of amazing books in this case, we are going to talk about the top five options that you should consider reading today. In this respect, the five best ones are:

  1. A General Introduction To Psychoanalysis by Sir Sigmund Freud

The first book that we are going to talk about is none other than Psychoanalysis and most pioneers in the field are of the opinion that it is one of the best books on psychology and human behaviour. Not only that, there are a lot of people who are of the opinion that this book is like the Bible, and Freud who is the father of psychology is the major proponent behind the same.

 Psychoanalysis is the most important form of assessing human behavior and it focuses on how instincts and drives set human behaviour. It is a basic version and hence you will be able to learn a lot from this book.

  1. "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman

The next book that we are going to talk about is none other than this book by Daniel Kahneman who is yet another very important figure in the field of psychology. This book delves into the two systems of thought in our brains and how they influence our decision-making processes. 

The decision-making behaviour of each and every individual is different and hence it will give you an extreme insight into the same.  We would suggest that if you are just starting out in the field and want some preliminary knowledge in the field, this is the best book that you can rely on. 

  1. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

When it comes to psychology books on human behavior, the next name that deserves special mention is none other than The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. It focuses on how much you will be able to change the habits of an individual and if that is applicable to changes as well. The Power of Habit is extremely important and you will see that this is one of the most practical books that you will ever come across. If you want to know more about human behavior and that too from the base level, this is the ultimate option.

  1. Science and Human Behaviour By BF Skinner

Studying human psychology and how it influences behaviour is not easy and hence it is important to take reference from relevant books. Skinner is one of those pioneers in the field of human psychology who is regarded as the father of behaviorism. In this book, he focuses on how much scientific human behavior can get and how you will be able to investigate the same with the help of science. It is one of the most revolutionary books for sure.

  1. Identity, Youth, and Crisis By Erik Erikson

Finally, if you want more help in understanding the human mind and behavior and how it tends to change throughout the lifetime, then this book could be great. It showcases how much human behavior changes through different courses of life and the major features of each stage.

Although we have spoken about these five books, there are a lot of different books that you can refer to. You will notice that the major standpoint of each and every book regarding behavior is very unique. All you need to do is understand the genre and then streamline your search more. 

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